Build instructions
Setup repository
- Clone the git repository
- Initialize submodules:
git submodule update --init
Install build dependencies
Building requires:
- gcc 4.4+ or clang 3.2+
- cmake 2.8+
- zlib development files (headers, libraries)
Integration tests require:
- Python
- Valgrind (optional, but recommended)
To install these on Ubuntu, try:
sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential zlib1g-dev
Build, test, and install
Note: if using clang, export the environment variables CC=clang, CXX=clang++.
Joinx does not support in source builds. Create a new build directory, enter it, and run:
cmake /path/to/joinx/repo [opts]
- Some useful options to cmake are:
- -DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/boost if boost is installed somewhere other than the default location
- -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=on to skip checking system default locations for boost headers and libs
- -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=on to link boost statically
- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path change the installation location (default: /usr)
- Some useful options to cmake are:
make deps
(to run unit tests)make install
Running ctest with run both unit and integration tests. you can run one
or the other with ctest -L <unit|integration>