Ubuntu 10.04
Before you install software from this site on your computer, you must first run the command below. This command adds our software repository to the package management system’s configuration on your computer. You only need to run this command once, so if you have already installed software from this site on your computer, you don’t need to do this part again (although it won’t hurt if you do). Simply run the command below to configure your computer to install software from this site.
wget -q -O - https://apt.genome.wustl.edu/ubuntu/files/install.sh | sudo bash
To install RefCov, run:
sudo gmt install gmt-refcov
Behind the Scenes:
If you’d prefer to configure your system manually or are uncomfortable running a script downloaded from the web, you can follow the instructions below rather than the simple commands above.
Repository Linking:
The Genome Modeling System uses Ubuntu’s native package management system, APT, leveraging our package repository at apt.genome.wustl.edu. To configure APT on your computer to be able to install software from our package repositry, run the following commands.
sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://apt.genome.wustl.edu/ubuntu lucid-genome main" wget https://apt.genome.wustl.edu/ubuntu/files/genome-institute.asc sudo apt-key add genome-institute.asc sudo apt-get update
The above commands only need to be run once on each computer on which you want to install our software, i.e., you only need to add our repository to APT’s configuration once.
Install RefCov:
Once your computer has been configured to install software from our package repository, simply run the command below to install RefCov.
sudo apt-get install gmt-refcov
To get help on RevCov , use the -h option, e.g.:
gmt ref-cov -h
To see the manual page:
man gmt ref-cov