genome music smg
genome music smg - Identify significantly mutated genes.
This document describes genome music smg version 0.0401 (2014-02-13 at 08:01:08)
genome music smg --gene-mr-file=? --output-file=? [--max-fdr=?] [--skip-low-mr-genes] [--bmr-modifier-file=?] [--processors=?]
... music smg \ --gene-mr-file output_dir/gene_mrs \ --output-file output_dir/smgs
(A "gene-mr-file" can be generated using the tool "music bmr calc-bmr".)
- gene-mr-file Text
File with per-gene mutation rates (Created using "music bmr calc-bmr")
- output-file Text
Output file that will list significantly mutated genes and their p-values
- max-fdr Number
The maximum allowed false discovery rate for a gene to be considered an SMG
Default value '0.2' if not specified
- skip-low-mr-genes Boolean
Skip testing genes with MRs lower than the background MR
Default value 'true' if not specified
- noskip-low-mr-genes Boolean
Make skip-low-mr-genes 'false'
- bmr-modifier-file Text
Tab delimited multipliers per gene that modify BMR before testing [gene_name bmr_modifier]
- processors Integer
Number of processors to use (requires 'foreach' and 'doMC' R packages)
Default value '1' if not specified
This script runs R-based statistical tools to identify Significantly Mutated Genes (SMGs), when given per-gene mutation rates categorized by mutation type, and the overall background mutation rates (BMRs) for each of those categories (gene_mr_file, created using "music bmr calc-bmr").
P-values and false discovery rates (FDRs) for each gene in gene_mr_file is calculated using three tests: Fisher's Combined P-value test (FCPT), Likelihood Ratio test (LRT), and the Convolution test (CT). For a gene, if its FDR for at least 2 of these tests is <= max_fdr, it will be output as an SMG. Another output file with prefix "_detailed" will have p-values and FDRs for all genes.
Qunyuan Zhang, Ph.D. Cyriac Kandoth, Ph.D. Nathan D. Dees, Ph.D.