

Run pcr format SV calls:

tigra-sv washu_pilot2_trio_large_deletions.pcr pcr_filelist.txt

Run breakdancer format SV calls:

tigra-sv -b breakdancer.sv /gscuser/tumor.bam /gscuser/normal.bam



TIGRA-SV - a tool that conducts targeted local assembly of structural variants (SV).


tigra-sv sv_file a.bam b.bam …

tigra-sv sv_file bam_list_file


TIGRA-SV is a program that conducts targeted local assembly of structural variants (SV) using the iterative graph routing assembly (TIGRA) algorithm (L. Chen, unpublished). It takes as input a list of putative SV calls and a set of bam files that contain reads mapped to a reference genome such as NCBI build36. For each SV call, it assembles the set of reads that were mapped or partially mapped to the region of interest (ROI) in the corresponding bam files. Instead of outputing a single consensus sequence, TIGRA-SV outputs all the alternative alleles in the ROI as long as they received sufficient sequence coverage (usually >= 2x). It is shown that TIGRA-SV is quite effective at improving the SV prediction accuracy in short reads analysis and can produce accurate breakpoint sequences that are valuable to understand the origin, mechanism and pathology underlying the SVs.


Esimated maximal insert size [500]
-l INT
Flanking size [500]
-w INT
Pad local reference by additional [200] bp on both ends
-q INT
Only assemble reads with mapping quality > [1]
Number of mismatches required to be tagged as poorly mapped [5]
-p INT
Ignore cases that have average read depth greater than [1000]
Minimal BreakDancer score required for analysis [0]
Read intermediate files from DIR instead of creating them
Ignore calls supported by libraries that contains (comma separated) STRING
Specify chromosome for position 2 to parallelzing job
Check when the format is in breakdancer
Whether write reference to a file with .ref.fa as the suffix
Whether to write dumped reads to a file with .fa as the suffix
Reference file location with the full path


Xian Fan, Ken Chen, Lei Chen


This software is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind.